Gerard Williams (1959)


Gerard Williams (b. Manchester 1959) studied at Manchester Polytechnic (1977-8) and Brightono Ploytechnic (1978-81). Williams uses a variety of materials such as wood, plasterboard and found objects. His work has made use of a great diversity of starting points, such as outlines taken from floor plans and maps; It has reacted, for example, to the demographics of place via cold hard CIA statistics on GDP; it might be that he begins work with a 600 year old wooden 'linen-fold' panel, or that he chooses to dress a series of ordinary windows in a regional town centre, as if they are inhabited. His has held solo shows a:, Parker's Box, Brooklyn, USA (2007); medievalmodern, London, UK (2002); Galerie 102, Düsseldorf, Germany (1996); The Showroom, London and Galerie du Tableau, Marseille, France (1994); Aldebaran, Baillargues, France, Galerie 102, Düsseldorf, Germany and Todd Gallery, London (all 1993); Patrick de Brock, Antwerp, Belgium (1991); Interim Art, London and Galeria Franz Paludetto, Turin, Italy (both 1990); Anthony d'Offay, London (1989) and Interim Art, London (1986). He has participated in a plethora of group shows throughout UK, Europe and USA at: Mario Flecha Gallery, London (1987);  Galerie Tanja Grunert, Kšln, Germany (1989); Lithuanian Artists Association Symposium, Lithuania (1991); Galerie Raph Debarn, Nice, France (1994) Told Great Garden Street Synagogue, London (1997); Aberystwyth Arts Centre, Wales (1998) and Volker Marschall Gallery, Düsseldorf, Germany (2004) amongst others. He has also been the recipient of many awards from The British Council (1998. 1999, 1992-94, 1996 and 2000); The Pollock Krasner Foundation, New York, USA (1996); Paul Hamlyn Foundation, Awards for Visual Artists (2003) and held a Research Fellowship at The Henry Moore Institute, Leeds which was awarded to support 'a study of the role of fabric and the implications surrounding its use in sculpture during the second half of the twentieth century' (1997).






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