Harminder Judge (b. Rotherham, Yorkshire, UK 1982) studied fine art at Northumbria University (2002-05) and graduated from the Royal Academy Schools, London (2021). Judge lives and works in London. Recent and forthcoming exhibitions include The Sunday Painter, London, UK; Ankles Absorbing Ash, Humber Street Gallery, Hull (both 2022); galerie-pcp, Paris, France; Am I Human To You?, Jugendstilsenteret & Kube Museum, Ålesund, Norway (both 2021); Tomorrow: London, White Cube, London, UK; Our Ashes Make Great Fertilizer (co-curated group), Public Gallery, London, UK (both 2020); At Home In The Universe, alongside Mahri-wan Mamtani, Jhaveri Contemporary, Mumbai, India (2019).