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Editions Alecto Ltd, Cambridge



1950s; 1962


Cambridge, East of England


Publisher / Maker / Manufacturer


Editions Alecto Ltd was started by a group of Oxford and Cambridge undergraduates in the late 1950's and was incorporated in 1962. The company specialised initially in printing and publishing original prints, normally in signed and numbered limited editions. Joe Studholme (1936-) was a founding member alongside Paul Cornwall-Jones (1936-2018), Michael Deakin (1939-2022) and Mark Glazebrook (1936-2009). It moved from Cambridge to London in 1962. David Hockney's  A Rake’s Progress (1961-3), 16 etchings in an edition of 50 - one of which was  bequeathed through the Contemporary Art Society to The Whitworth, University of Manchester - Cornwall-Jones offered the young artist the then unheard of sum of £5,000 to publish. Cornwall-Jones left Alecto to set up Petersburg Press in 1967.  Fire destroyed Editions Alecto studio and archive.

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