Untitled (before 2014) Gifted by the artist through the Contemporary Art Society, 2014 Miriam Beerman
Hibou gros commun (before 2014) Gifted by the artist through the Contemporary Art Society, 2014 Miriam Beerman
Untitled (before 2014) Gifted by the artist through the Contemporary Art Society, 2014 Miriam Beerman
Untitled (before 2014) Gifted by the artist through the Contemporary Art Society, 2014 Miriam Beerman
Untitled (before 2014) Gifted by the artist through the Contemporary Art Society, 2014 Miriam Beerman
Untitled (before 2014) Gifted by the artist through the Contemporary Art Society, 2014 Miriam Beerman
Untitled (before 2014) Gifted by the artist through the Contemporary Art Society, 2014 Miriam Beerman
Untitled (before 2014) Gifted by the artist through the Contemporary Art Society, 2014 Miriam Beerman
Land of Milk and Honey II (1997) Gifted by the Estate of the artist through the Contemporary Art Society, 2014 Donald Gladstone Rodney