Louise Salaman, Mrs E. W. Bishop Louise Salaman (b. London, UK 1876 -d. ?), later known as Mrs E. W. Bishop...
RIG: untitled; stage chairs (2011) Accepted under the Cultural Gifts Scheme (CGS) by HM Government, from Alex Petalas, through the Contemporary Art Society; allocated jointly to Leeds Art Gallery and The Hepworth, Wakefield, 2021/22 Phyllida Barlow
Outsides and Erotics (Big Pink) (2021) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society, through The Artist's Table, with the support of its Tai Shani Syndicate, 2021/22 Tai Shani
Tai Shani Big Pink Syndicate Keith Morris, Edwin & Dina Wulfsohn, Marco Compagnoni, Liesl Fischardt and...