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Beast (1998)

Laura Ford

mixed media

The New Art Gallery Walsall

Beast (1998)

© the artist Photo credit: The New Art Gallery Walsall




Accession Number:



Purchased by the Contemporary Art Society Special Collection Scheme on behalf of The New Art Gallery Walsall with funds from the Arts Council Lottery, 1999

Ownership history:

Purchased from the Camden Arts Centre by the Contemporary Art Society for its Special Collection Scheme, with the aid funds from the Arts Council Lottery, 13 April 1999; presented to The New Art Gallery Walsall, 1999

All rights reserved. Any further use will need to be cleared with the rights holder. Permission granted to reproduce for personal and educational use only. Commercial copying, hiring, lending is prohibited. The collection that owns this artwork may have more information on their own website about permitted uses and image licensing options.

For further information, please consult our section of our copyright policy.

Artworks by Laura Ford

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