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John Carter RA (1942)


John Carter RA (b. Hampton Hill, Middlesex, UK 1942) studied at the Twickenham School of Art from 1958 and then at Kingston School of Art until 1963. A Leverhulme Travelling Scholarship took him to Italy, where he made his first abstract constructed works at the British School at Rome. On returning to England, Carter was engaged as an assistant to the sculptor Bryan Kneale (b. 1930) and worked towards his first solo exhibition at The Redfern Gallery, London in 1968. After winning two Arts Council Awards, a retrospective exhibition of his work was held at the Warwick Arts Trust, London in 1983. Later, Carter participated in the international show Die Ecke at Galerie Hoffmann, Friedberg, Germany, where he made his first contact with European concrete and constructive artists. He has since exhibited widely in Europe, Japan and the USA. John Carter held a teaching position at the Chelsea College of Art and Design until his retirement from the post in 1999. A solo exhibition of his work was held at the Royal Academy in 2013, entitled John Carter RA: Between Dimensions.







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