Oskar Stössel (1879 - 1964) Biography View full Wikipedia entry Details Born: Austria Nationality: German, Austrian Artworks by Oskar Stössel Browse more relevant artworks. More Artworks Print Werner Krauss (about 1934) Oskar Stössel Print Lotte Brociner (about 1934) Oskar Stössel Print Schlafendes Mädchen (Sleeping girl) (1934) Oskar Stössel Print General Feldmarschall von Mackensen (about 1934) Oskar Stössel Print King Achmez Zogu of Albania (about 1934) Oskar Stössel Print Queen Marie of Rumania (about 1934) Oskar Stössel Print Meine Mutter (My mother) (about 1934) Oskar Stössel Print Prinz Franz Liechtenstein (about 1934) Oskar Stössel You Might Also Like Stations of the Cross (1914) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society, 1920 Leopard Standing (1917) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society, 1917 Three Studies of a Lioness (1917) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society, 1917 Portrait of a Woman (1898-1924) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society, 1924