Robert Victor Lotiron (b. Paris, France 1886 – d. Rueil-Malmaison, France 1966), painter and printmaker, initially went to learn his father’s lace merchant trade in England from 1901 to 1903 but had always been more attracted to the idea of becoming an artist; he had been inspired by his dentist’s Impressionist painting collection. He studied under Jules Lefebvre (1834-1912) at the Académie Julian and then at the École des Beaux-arts in Paris. From 1907-09 he did his military service at Laon and had Robert Delaunay as a roommate, who would later bring him into contact with Guillaume Apollinaire, Albert Gleizes and Jean Metzinger. In 1910 he studied under Maurice Denis at the Académie Ranson and began exhibiting at the Salon d’Automne, where he became a member in 1913 and later vice president in 1945. Lotiron rented a studio on rue Bayen where Henri Matisse would visit him. He also exhibited at the Salon des Indépendants. Alongside Picasso and Derain he showed Le Tennis at the second Munich exhibition of the Blaue Reiter in 1913. He frequently painted near his family home in Villennes-sur-Seine, in Brittany, Normandy and abroad in Spain (Majorca) and Italy and Istanbul. In 1928 he was one of twelve engravers to found La Jeune Gravure Contemporaine.