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Rosalind 'Ros' Cuthbert (1951)


Rosalind Cuthbert (b. Somerset, UK, 1951) studied at Somerset College of Art, Taunton (1969–71) and Central School of Art & Design,, London (1971–4) where her teachers included Blair Hughes-Stanton (1902-1981) and Cecil Collins (1908-1989). She also did a postrgraduate degree in painting at Royal College of Art (1974–7), under Keith Critchlow (1933-2020) and Peter de Francia (1921-2012). Among awards were RWA first prize, 1982. She was tutor in charge of relief printing at Central School, 1978–92, and directed and taught Mendip Painting Centre from 1985. Group exhibitions included Arnolfini Gallery, Bristol, Avon Open Exhibition, 1983; Portrait 1980s, Fermoy Centre, King’s Lynn, and tour, 1985–7; and Self-Portraits, Plymouth City Art Gallery, 1992.

Solo shows included Camden Galleries, 1989, and Anthony Hepworth Fine Art, Bath, 1995. Cuthbert published a number of instructional books, and illustrated with wood engravings Yellow Fox Press publications. Cuthbert was a member of Artists 303 and RWA from 1998. In 2003, she shared a show with her husband, the artist David Cuthbert, at Six Chapel Row Contemporary Art, Bath.







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