Rowland Suddaby (1912 - 1972) Biography Rowland Suddaby (1912–1972) was a British artist and illustrator. View full Wikipedia entry This biography is from Wikipedia under an Attribution-ShareAlike Creative Commons License. Spotted a problem? Let us know. Details Born: UK Nationality: British Artworks by Rowland Suddaby Browse more relevant artworks. More Artworks Drawing and Watercolour Flowers in a Window (before 1946) Rowland Suddaby Drawing and Watercolour Window at Scholes, York (1937) Rowland Suddaby Drawing and Watercolour Farmyard Pond (1937) Rowland Suddaby Drawing and Watercolour Abbots Hall Farm (1944) Rowland Suddaby Yorkshire Landscape (1930s) Rowland Suddaby Painting Landscape (1940) Rowland Suddaby Painting Blue Tulips (1938) Rowland Suddaby Painting Poplars (about 1930) Rowland Suddaby You Might Also Like Twenty Second Hold (2012) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society, 2013 Nation Estate (2012) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society with additional funding from... For You (2012) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society Craft Acquisitions Scheme to Aberdeen... Chausettes (1989) Donated by Eric and Jean Cass through the Contemporary Art Society, 2012