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Stephen Buckley (1944)


Stephen Buckley (b. Leicester, UK 1944) studied Fine Art at King's College, Durham University (1962-67) under Richard Hamilton (1922-2011) where he was involved in the reconstruction of Duchamp's Large Glass and then at the University of Reading (1967-9) under Terry Frost (1915-2003) and Claude Rodgers (1907-1979). He has taught at Canterbury College of Art, Leeds College of Art, Chelsea School of Art, The Royal College of Art and was Artist in Residence at King's College, Cambridge (1972-4).

Buckley was appointed Professor of Fine Art at the University of Reading in 1994, and Professor Emeritus in 2009. He has held over fifty solo exhibitions worldwide and is represented in many national collections. Scale and a variety of unconventional materials has always been significant to Buckley's practice from the 20 foot La Manche (1974) to a great number of 'carry on' sized works over a period of years. After showing in Six at the Hayward, Hayward Gallery in 1969, Buckley had a solo show at Nigel Greenwood in 1970. He was a John Moores Exhibition, Liverpool, prizewinner in 1974 and 1979.  Buckley collaborated with Rambert Dance Company, 1988–90. He had a retrospective at Museum of Modern Art, Oxford, 1989, with an exhibition at University Gallery, University of Northumbria, 1994 and others at Austin/Desmond Fine Art from 1999. 






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