Alexis Teplin - SSS
CAS *Consultancy has recently installed a number of new works at Inflexion’s Marylebone offices. Adding significantly to the collection, which we have been managing since 2013, these new acquisitions continue to demonstrate Inflexion’s commitment to contemporary art and artists.
We’ve been developing the collection with senior partners and supporting some of the most innovative artists working today. New acquisitions include works by Caroline Achaintre, Marie Lund, Victoria Morton, Ruairiadh O’Connell, Tyra Tingleff and Jorinde Voigt, continuing the collection’s focus on abstraction and elegance of materials.
These new additions will join a collection that comprises a variety of media: painting, photography, sculpture and tapestry from artists including Lisa Oppenheim, Alexis Marguerite Teplin, Michael Conrads, Lothar Gotz, Phillip Allen, Santo Tolone and Alison Turnbull.