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Walnut, Shagreen, Silver

Physical Object Description:

According to J. P. Cooper's Costing Book IV, no. 1000, it was noted that Colarossi spent 50 hours making the box, and the catch was made by Cooper himself. Rectangular with four silver bun feet, a button-operated fastener at centre front and a slightly convex lid attached to the lower part by two silver hinges. The sides and lid are divided into five panels by strips of silver with silver studs at regular intervals, and the edges are mounted in silver with rope edging. The button of the clasp is surrounded by a square silver plate embossed with a wreath of curling leaves and four studs, and has a scalloped outer edge with four large and four small studs.


8.6 x 22 cm

Accession Number:



Presented by the Contemporary Art Society, 1944

Ownership history:

Rembrandt Gallery, Vigo Street, (Robert Dunthorne & Son Ltd), London; purchased by Ernest Marsh (1863-1945), for the Contemporary Art Society, October 1933; presented to The Fitzwilliam Museum, University of Cambridge, 1944

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Artworks by John Paul Cooper

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