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Basil George Jonzen (1913 - 1967)


Basil Jonzen (b. London, UK 1913 - d. London 1967) studied under Bernard Meninsky at the Central School of Arts and Crafts. He exhibited with the Redfern Gallery, who sent him to Spain, France and the Canary Islands to. paint. Jonzen also exhibited at the New English Art Club (NEAC), Tooth & Sons and RBA. During WW2 he was involved in camouflage, service including Norway and Nigeria and later lectured on it in Edinburgh. He married the sculptor Karin M. Lowenadler Jonzen, who became known as Karin Jonzen, and their son was also the artist Martin Jonzen. After the war they renovated Sir Hugh Lane’s studio house in London’s South Bolton Gardens and ran a Weekend Art Gallery there, which attracted many distinguished clients. Later, Basil Jonzen was involved as a dealer at the St George’s Gallery. 





Swedish, British

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