John Aubrey Clarendon Latham (1921 - 2006) Biography John Aubrey Clarendon Latham, (23 February 1921 – 1 January 2006) was a Northern Rhodesian-born British conceptual artist. View full wikipedia entry This biography is from Wikipedia under an Attribution-ShareAlike Creative Commons License. Spotted a problem? Let us know. Tags for Art Movements Artist Placement Group (APG) Conceptual Art Details Born: Zambia Nationality: British Artworks by John Aubrey Clarendon Latham Browse more relevant artworks. More Artworks Painting P.(n) 2:5/12 (1963) John Aubrey Clarendon Latham Painting Print Troll Flower (from 'Review of Dictionary') (1968... John Aubrey Clarendon Latham Painting Sculpture Relief Mixed media Belief System (1959) John Aubrey Clarendon Latham Sculpture Mixed media 'I Love It' (1967- 68) John Aubrey Clarendon Latham You Might Also Like Nation Estate (2012) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society with additional funding from... Exfoliating curve lines (total cushioning) (2014... Presented by the Contemporary Art Society, through the Cathy Wills Sculpture... Study for Three Bob a week (1987) Gifted by Dasha Shenkman through the Contemporary Art Society, 2014 Head Study (1992) Gifted by Dasha Shenkman through the Contemporary Art Society, 2014
Exfoliating curve lines (total cushioning) (2014... Presented by the Contemporary Art Society, through the Cathy Wills Sculpture...
Study for Three Bob a week (1987) Gifted by Dasha Shenkman through the Contemporary Art Society, 2014