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Raúl Ortega Ayala (1973)


Raúl Ortega Ayala (b. Mexico City 1973) studied painting at La Esmeralda in Mexico City, after which went to the Glasgow School of Art for a Master in Fine Arts. His practice often relates to anthropology and stems from extensive research into specific topics for long periods of time, like participant observation, fieldwork or embodiment of knowledge, to actively immerse himself into his selected topic. He teaches  fine art and as an artist Ayala has exhibited internationally in venues like the The Frans Hals museum, David Roberts Foundation, Delfina Foundation, the Barbican Centre, Liverpool Biennial, Stroom, Arp Museum, Geementemuseum and Museo Jumex amongst others. His work is represented by Proyectos Monclova in Mexico and Durst Britt and Mayhew gallery in the Netherlands. A suite of four works were purchased by the Contemporay Art Society for Paisley Museum and Art Gallery in 2006 from its National Collecting Scheme for Scotland (2003-2006), supported by the National Lottery through the Scottish Arts Council.







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