George Marples (1869 - 1939)


George Marples (b. Derby, Derbyshire, UK 1869 - d. Sawy, Hampshire, UK 1939) studied at Derby Art School, at the Royal College of Art, London, the École des Beaux-Arts, Paris, and École Arts Decoratif, Genev. Marples held principalships of Huddersfield School of Art, Hull and Liverpool School of Art. He was also Associate Royal Society of Painter-Etchers and exhibited at the Royal Academy, Glasgow Institute of Fine Art, Royal Cambrian Academy, Royal Hiberian Academy and the Royal Scottish Academy. After his retirement in 1930 he moved to Sway, New Forest, Dorset and studied and photographed birds. He was the author and illustrator of Sea Terns or Sea Swallows: Their Habits, Language ...' Country Life, 1934.






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