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Sean Kelly Gallery, New York, Los Angeles





New York


Art Gallery / Dealer / Auction House (Seller)


Sean Kelly Gallery was founded by its British-born owner in 1991 and operated privately in SoHo until 1995 when its first public space opened at 43 Mercer Street. During these formative years, it established a reputation for diverse, intellectually driven, unconventional exhibitions. The original list of artists represented included Marina Abramović, James Casebere, Callum Innes, Joseph Kosuth and Julião Sarmento – exemplifying the Gallery's commitment to presenting important, challenging contemporary art. In 2001, Sean Kelly moved into a converted 7,000 square-foot industrial space on 29th Street in the Chelsea gallery district. The move to this new, spacious location enabled the Gallery to mount increasingly ambitious, museum-quality exhibitions to great critical acclaim. During its early period in Chelsea, the Gallery's roster of artists expanded to include such notable figures as Iran do Espírito Santo, Antony Gormley, Rebecca Horn, Frank Thiel and the estate of Robert Mapplethorpe. In the ensuing years, the Gallery undertook representation of Los Carpinteros, Leandro Erlich, Johan Grimonprez, Laurent Grasso, Tehching Hsieh and Anthony McCall. 


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