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Michael 'Mick' Bennett (1948)


Mick Bennett (b. Manchester, UK 1948) studied at Birmingham Polytechnic, 1967–70, Slade School of Fine Art, 1970–2, and had a fellowship at Cheltenham College of Art, 1972–3. He then went on to hold part-time teaching posts from 1974 at St Martin’s and Winchester Schools of Art, Kingston Polytechnic and America’s Syracuse University. Bennett was interested in “the metaphorical relationship of the materiality of paint to the materiality of earth”. He was a rich colourist, as in his prizewinning canvas Fertile Ground, at John Moores Liverpool Exhibition in 1989–90.  The Arts Council holds Crimson Lake, 1979, bought from Felicity Samuel Gallery, and Midnight Sonata, 1979–80, obtained by purchase award. 







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