Ready to tear (1998)

Caroline Broadhead

scorched silk, pencil, paint

Nottingham City Museums & Galleries

Ready to tear (1998)



Craft, Sculpture


Silk, Pencil, Paint


11 x 45 x 25 cm


Purchased by the Contemporary Art Society Special Collection Scheme on behalf of the Nottingham Castle Museum and Art Gallery with funds from the Arts Council Lottery, 1999

Ownership history:

Purchased from the artist's exhibition at the Angel Row Gallery, Nottingham by the Contemporary Art Society and the Nottingham Castle Museum and Art Gallery, as part of the Special Collection Scheme, with Arts Council Lottery funding, 16 July 1999; presented to Nottingham Castle Museum and Art Gallery, 1999

The collection that owns this artwork may have more information on their own website about permitted uses and image licensing options.

Artworks by Caroline Broadhead

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