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Death of a Poet (1954)

Sidney Robert Nolan

Ripolin on Masonite board

Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool

Death of a Poet (1954)



Mixed media


Ripolin, Masonite board

Physical Object Description:

Bust of poet between plant leaves against monochrome blue background. Inscribed: 'Sidney Nolan, 54', front, bottom left


91.5 x 122 cm

Accession Number:

WAG 3173


Presented by the Contemporary Art Society, 1959

Ownership history:

Purchased from the artist's solo exhibition at the Whitechapel Art Gallery by Peter Meyer (-2007) and Eric Newton (1893-1965) for the Contemporary Art Society, 1957; presented to the Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool, 1959



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Artworks by Sidney Robert Nolan

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