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1931 (St Ives Bay; sea with boats) (1931)

Ben Nicholson

oil and pencil on canvas

Manchester Art Gallery

1931 (St Ives Bay; sea with boats) (1931)

© Angela Verren Taunt. All rights reserved, DACS 2023. Photo credit: Manchester Art Gallery





Oil, Pencil, Canvas

Physical Object Description:

A childlike painting of the sea at St.Ives, seen through a closed window, the window latch clearly drawn in black outline in the bottom left corner. There is a choppy sea to the right with a small fishing boat and a rock with a lighthouse. The dark cliffs of the shore are visible on the far right. Above is a clear blue sky with white clouds.

Information from Manchester City Galleries Collections website, <http id=1950.6> accessed 28 October 2015


40.9 x 56 cm

Accession Number:



Presented by the Contemporary Art Society, 1950

Ownership history:

Purchased by Thomas Evelyn Scott-Ellis, Lord Howard de Walden (1880-1946) for the Contemporary Art Society, 1931; presented to the Charles Rutherston Collection, Manchester Art Gallery, 1949

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Artworks by Ben Nicholson

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