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At the market gates (1945)

Leon Underwood

colour woodcut, printed predominantly in orange, mauve, green and black

Prints and Drawings Department, British Museum, London

At the market gates (1945)

© the estate of Leon Underwood / Bridgeman Images. Photo credit: The Trustees of the British Museum




Physical Object Description:

Colour woodcut, printed predominantly in orange, mauve, green and black. A group of five semi-nude women, dressed in skirts and scarves on their heads and carrying baskets on their heads, balanced by one hand each are standing in a circle in an opening with two stone piers with balls on top on either side. On the left is a dog in front of the woman who has her back to viewer. The third from the left is holding the hand of a female child and the one on the furthest right is holding the hand of a male child with her left hand. Beyond the gateway, in the background, in blue ink, is a courtyard with a horse on the left, and a men carrying a box on the right.




30.5 x 45.8 cm

Accession Number:



Presented by the Contemporary Art Society, 1945

Ownership history:

Purchased by the Contemporary Art Society, 1945; presented to the Prints and Drawings Department, British Museum, London, 1945



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Artworks by Leon Underwood

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