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Nostalgia For the Future (North Seaton, Northumberland) (1985)

John Kippin

C-type print with text

Ferens Art Gallery, Hull


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C-type photographic print, Text

Physical Object Description:

A colour photograph depicting a derelict ship washed onto a beach. A group of adults and children are standing to the right of the ship; some of them gaze towards it. In the foreground there is a caravan, with orange curtains, parked beside some sand dunes. The words NOSTALGIA FOR THE FUTURE are emblazoned along the bottom of the photograph.




81 x 101.5 cm


Presented by the Contemporary Art Society with assistance from the V&A Purchase Grant Fund and Arts Council of England, 1995

Ownership history:

Purchased by Mary Doyle for Contemporary Art Society, as part of its Collection Scheme Purchase, with the aid of grants from the V&A Purchase Grant Fund and the Arts Council of England, 1995; presented to the Ferens Art Gallery, Hull, 1995

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