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Worshipful Company of Painter-Stainers





London, London


Not for Profit Society / Public Sector Organisation


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Guilds evolved during the Middle Ages when tradesmen who specialised in the same areas of work made informal arrangements amongst themselves for protecting their trades, regulating competition and maintaining professional standards. Artists joined together to form the “Paynters” Guild and the earliest reference to the Guild is in 1283 as appears from Ordinances recorded in that year. In 1466 an important set of Ordinances was granted to the Painters which were afterwards confirmed by Inspeximus, i.e. confirmation of a pre-existing grant. The Painters who decorated, gilded and coloured solid objects such as wood, metal and stone painted everything, from portraits to banners and barges and murals on walls and early records refer to the painting of saddles and the interior decoration of buildings, particularly churches.


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