Michel Hewitt Salaman (1879-1971) studied at the Slade School of Fine Art, along with his sister Louise, where they was a close friends of Augustus and Gwen John, as well as Ambrose McEvoy and William Orpen, amongst others. He married another art student Chattie Wake (1876-1972), who had attended Heatherley's School of Art, on 8 June 1904 in Devon, by which time they had both givern up being artists and went on to have 16 children. They remained in touch with Edna Clarke Hall and Albert Rutherston. After the war, they moved to a huge mansion, Ruckmans in Ockley, near Dorking in Surrey where they continued to entertain lavishly and he worked at the family property firm, M&N Salaman in Holburn, London.