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Kissing Seat (2003)

Jim Partridge

carved blackened oak

Manchester Art Gallery

Kissing Seat (2003)



Craft, Furniture



Physical Object Description:

Rectangular bench carved from green oak using chainsaw. 'S'-shaped ridge snaking across upper surface of seat carved with chainsaw and anglegrinder, creating dipped seats for 3 people. Surface has been scorched black using blowtorch, scrubbed with wire wool and waxed with bees wax to create smooth black sheen. Extensive cracks (due to wood drying) and knots throughout. Growth rings of tree visible at each end of bench.




45 x 112 x 30 cm

Accession Number:

M20104; 2018.43


Purchased by the Contemporary Art Society with funds from the Arts Council Lottery Fund, the Corporate Patrons of Manchester City Galleries and the Crafts Council, 2003

Ownership history:

Purchased from the artist by the Contemporary Art Society through its Special Collection Scheme, with Lottery funding from Arts Council England, and support from the Corporate Patrons of Manchester City Galleries and the Crafts Council, 12 November 2003; presented to Manchester Art Gallery, 2003/04


Manchester Art Gallery

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