Three Lights (1969) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society, from the Ann Sutton Gift, 2007 Ann Sutton
Tree Tops (1999) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society from the Tom Bendhem bequest, 2007 Sally O'Sullivan
Untitled (1975-76) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society from the Tom Bendhem bequest, 2007 Keith Milow
Frozen Fabric: Spectrum (1983) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society, from the Ann Sutton Gift, 2007 Ann Sutton
Form at Salsipuedes (1987) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society, from the Tom Bendhem bequest, 2007 John Walker
The Sport of Kings (1987) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society from the Tom Bendhem bequest, 2007 Harvey Quaytman
The Lick (1999) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society from the Tom Bendhem bequest, 2007 Judith Cowan
Studies for Claws Pots (1983) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society from the Tom Bendhem bequest, 2007 Judith Cowan