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Roman Plastic (Tree) (2005)

Roman Plastic (Tree) (2005)

Purchased with funds from the National Collecting Scheme for Scotland which was originated and operated 2003-2006 by the Contemporary Art Society and supported by the National Lottery through the Scottish Arts Council, 2005

Francis Upritchard
Interlude (2004)

Interlude (2004)

Purchased with funds from the National Collecting Scheme for Scotland which was originated and operated 2003-2006 by the Contemporary Art Society and supported by the National Lottery through the Scottish Arts Council.

Calum Stirling
Faces Fading (2004)

Faces Fading (2004)

Purchased with funds from the National Collecting Scheme for Scotland which was originated and operated 2003-2006 by the Contemporary Art Society and supported by the National Lottery through the Scottish Arts Council, 2004/05

Hanneline Visnes
In The Flowers (2004)

In The Flowers (2004)

Purchased with funds from the National Collecting Scheme for Scotland which was originated and operated 2003-2006 by the Contemporary Art Society and supported by the National Lottery through the Scottish Arts Council, 2004

Hanneline Visnes
Untitled (Brussels Human) (2000)

Untitled (Brussels Human) (2000)

Purchased with funds from the National Collecting Scheme for Scotland which was originated and operated 2003-2006 by the Contemporary Art Society and supported by the National Lottery through the Scottish Arts Council, 2004

Enrico David
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