Colwinston Charitable Trust, London The Colwinston Charitable Trust was established in 1995 by its founder and...
Three jugs (2007) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society through the Omega Fund, with support from the Colwinston Charitable Trust, 2015 Simon Carroll
Tall vase (2006) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society, through the Omega Fund, with support from the Colwinston Charitable Trust, 2015 Simon Carroll
Light Bucket Challenge (2010) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society, through the Omega Fund, 2015/16 Severija Inčirauskaitė-Kriaunevičienė
Severija Inčirauskaitė-Kriaunevičienė Severija Incirauskaire-Kriauneviciene (b. Vilnius, Lithuania 1977) is an...