Still Life with vase of flowers on table (1928) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society, 1931 William Staite Murray
Dunedin Public Art Gallery, Dunedin The gallery was founded by the 19th-century artist William Mathew Hodgkins (1833...
Walter 'Wally' James Steggles Walter James Steggles (b. Clerkenwell, London 1908 - d. Calne, Wiltshire 1997)...
The Dead Tree (circa 1930) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society, 1933 Walter 'Wally' James Steggles
Nave Nave Fenua (Fragrant island) (Paul Gauguin ... Presented by the Contemporary Art Society, 1925 Paul Gauguin
Noa Noa (Fragrant scent) (Paul Gauguin 10 Traesn... Presented by the Contemporary Art Society, 1925 Paul Gauguin
Auti te Pape (Women at the river) (Paul Gauguin ... Presented by the Contemporary Art Society, 1925 Paul Gauguin