Untitled (Habitation XIII) (2002) Given by Dasha Shenkman through the Contemporary Art Society, 2005 Cristina Iglesias
Self Portrait 1995 No. 68 (1995) Purchased through the Contemporary Art Society Special Collection Scheme with Lottery funding from Arts Council England, 2000 Philip Akkerman
Self Portraits (Apple Sees Red on Green) (1962) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society, 2013 Billy Apple
Untitled (Dollhouse) (2002) Gifted by an anonymous donor through the Contemporary Art Society, 2013 Yinka Shonibare
Homage to Malevich (1974) Gifted by David and Liza Brown through the Contemporary Art Society, 2014 Ian Hamilton Finlay
Homage to "Mozart" (1970) Given by David and Liza Brown through the Contemporary Art Society, 2014 Ian Hamilton Finlay
Acrobats (1966) Gifted by David and Liza Brown through the Contemporary Art Society, 2014 Ian Hamilton Finlay
Catameringue (1970) Gifted by David and Liza Brown through the Contemporary Art Society, 2014 Ian Hamilton Finlay
Sea Land (1967) Gifted by David and Liza Brown through the Contemporary Art Society, 2014 Ian Hamilton Finlay
A Monument in Rouen (2003) Gifted by Dasha Shenkman through the Contemporary Art Society, 2013 Hughie O'Donoghue