Female Nude, Back View (before 1950) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society, in memory of Cecily Lowenthal, 2002 Bernard Meninsky
Standing Female Nude (before 1950) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society, in memory of Cecily Lowenthal, 2002 Bernard Meninsky
Geranium (before 1950) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society, in memory of Cecily Lowenthal, 2002 Bernard Meninsky
Still Life, Onions and Leeks (before 1950) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society, in memory of Cecily Lowenthal, 2002 Bernard Meninsky
Cody Seth's snood was the envy of the boys in th... Presented by the Contemporary Art Society, 1986 Glen Baxter
"To me the window is still a symbolically loaded... Presented by the Contemporary Art Society, 1986 Glen Baxter