Portrait of Deli Marosti, chief of Shkreli clan,... Presented by the Contemporary Art Society, 1930 Cora Josephine Turner Gordon
Slade School of Fine Art, London The Slade School of Fine Art is named after philanthropist and lawyer Felix...
The Heatherley School of Fine Art, London Thomas Heatherley (1824-1914) took over as the school's principal from James...
The Grosvenor School of Modern Art, London Iain Macnab (1890-1967) was the founder of the Grosvenor School of Modern Art...
Untitled (1979) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society with Art Fund support, the support of Arts Council England/ V&A Purchase Grant Fund, the Friends of the Hatton Gallery and the Zabludowicz Collection, 2018/19 Linder (Sterling)