Julius Komjati (1895-1958) at home resting (abou... Presented by the Contemporary Art Society, 1945 Alfred Hugh Fisher
Distant Ancestor XIII (2011-12) Gifted by Ryan Mosley through the Contemporary Art Society, 2016/17 Ryan Mosley
'Primitive Ancestry' XIV (2011- 2012) Gifted by Ryan Mosley through the Contemporary Art Society, 2017/18 Ryan Mosley
'Primitive Ancestry' XII (2011- 2012) Gifted by Ryan Mosley through the Contemporary Art Society, 2017/18 Ryan Mosley
Earth (2010) Purchased with assistance from Art Fund, the Arts Council England/Victoria and Albert Museum Purchase Grant Fund, the Contemporary Art Society and the Friends of Wolverhampton Arts and Heritage, 2018/19 Yinka Shonibare
Leviathan Cycle, Episode 1: Ben (2017) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society, 2017/18 Shezad (Shez 360) Dawood
The Fountain, Hampton Court Palace (1940) Presented by the Contemporary Art Society, 1943 Margaret (Marjorie) Firth