Country Scene (The Farm, A Rustic Scene) (1922)

William Patrick Roberts

oil on canvas

The Hepworth Wakefield

Country Scene (The Farm, A Rustic Scene) (1922)





Oil, Canvas


51 x 61.5 cm

Accession Number:



Presented by the Contemporary Art Society, 1935



Ownership history:

Purchased from the Chenil Gallery, London by Sir Edward Marsh (1872-1953), 1923; by whom gifted, in memory of Rupert Brooke (1887-1915), to the Contemporary Art Society, 1923; presented to Wakefield Art Gallery, now The Hepworth Wakefield, 1935

Once identified as the painting called The Pump (1922), this picture was painted while Roberts was staying at Pett Level, the Sussex home of John Knewstub (1872-1959), brother-in-law to both the artists William Rothenstein  and William Orpen, and the director of the Chenil Gallery, Chelsea in London. Roberts also painted Katie Knewstub (1907-2008), John's niece who, along with one of her brothers lived with him and his wife, after the death of their parents.

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Artworks by William Patrick Roberts

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