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Goose (1927-28)

Barbara Hepworth


Bristol Museum & Art Gallery


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Presented by the Contemporary Art Society, 1931

Ownership history:

Mrs Cameron, 38 Cadogan Place, London, SW1, 1927 (possibly a different version as edition of 6/7); purchased from the Beaux Arts Gallery, London by Ernest Marsh (1863-1945) for the Contemporary Art Society, June 1928; on loan to Pottery and Crafts Fund CAS touring exhibition at Leicester City Art Gallery and Museum, 1930 (damaged in transit to Plymouth and cost remitted by insurance); presented to Bristol Museum and Art Gallery, 1931


Animals (farm), Birds

This clay Goose (BH9) was made by the artist, then called in Barbara Skeaping as she was married to the sculptor John (1901-1980) in around 1927 and was shown at their Beaux Arts Gallery, London (shared with William Morgan) exhibition in June 1928 where it was purchased by Ernest Marsh (1863-1945) with the Pottery and Crafts Fund of the Contemporary Art Society for £15.5. A note on page 18 of the Volume of Sculpture Records by Barbara Hepworth with images and held at the Tate (TGA 7247/1) says it was from the collection of a Mrs Cameron. There seems to have also been a series of stone birds, called Ducks in the Hulton Archive (Getty Images) photograph of the couple at their exhibition in 1928 alongside 6 similar pieces to Goose (1927-8). This terracotta version, bought as a craft work of art, was in the 1929-30 CAS touring exhibition at Hanley (Stoke-on-Trent), Leicester, Plymouth and Bristol art galleries and was damaged in transit but repaired and gifted by the CAS to Bristol in 1931. It has since gained notoriety as a fake version was sold to the Henry Moore Institute in Leeds for £3,000 in 2003, now known to be the work of the forger Shaun Greenhalgh.

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Artworks by Barbara Hepworth

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