Their Domain is Unlimited (1990)

Joz. de Loose

fibreglass and polyester

Yorkshire Sculpture Park, West Bretton, Wakefield

Photo Doug Atfield





Fibreglass, Polyester

Physical Object Description:

Numbered and signed across the girl's buttocks 7/7 Joz. de Loose


240 cm

Accession Number:



Donated by Eric and Jean Cass through the Contemporary Art Society, 2012

Ownership history:

Purchased from the artist by Eric and Jean Cass, 10 September 1991; by whom gifted to the Contemporary Art Society, 2012; presented to Yorkshire Sculpture Park, 2012

Their Domain is Unlimited (1990) was originally installed in the garden of the home of Eric and Jean Cass, Bleep, by the artist himself. The humanity expressed in this piece transcends any spoken language. The generalised forms of the figures, their apparent gaze (they have no eyes as such) into the unknown, endow them with mystery - "What I try to depict are the timeless universal qualities of mankind based on life itself. The connection between mother and child, two lovers etc., the lots of human beings and their affinity, their relationship with each other, My work is human-minded, My figures have a vague head to cause the looker to see the beauty of the sculptures as an external idea and not as the personification of an individual and of a race. (Joz. de Loose, 1996)

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