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Kate Davis

Kate Davis (b. Wellington, New Zealand 1977) studied at the Glasgow School of...


Tom Dixon

Thomas Dixon (born 21 May 1959 in Sfax, Tunisia) is a self-educated British...


James Lingwood

James Lingwood has been Co-Director of Artangel with Michael Morris since 1991,...


The Folding Room (2003)

Purchased with funds from the National Collecting Scheme for Scotland which was originated and operated 2003-2006 by the Contemporary Art Society and supported by the National Lottery through the Scottish Arts Council.

Rose Frain

Robert Foster

Robert Foster (b. Bendigo, Australia 1962 – d. Canberra 2016) studied gold and...

'Samurai' teapot (2004)

'Samurai' teapot (2004)

Purchased with funds from the National Collecting Scheme for Scotland which was originated and operated 2003-2006 by the Contemporary Art Society and supported by the National Lottery through the Scottish Arts Council, 2006

Robert Foster
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