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Streetwise II (2004)

Streetwise II (2004)

Purchased with funds from the National Collecting Scheme for Scotland which was originated and operated 2003-2006 by the Contemporary Art Society and supported by the National Lottery through the Scottish Arts Council, 2004

Alison Kinnaird
Capacity (2000-01)

Capacity (2000-01)

Purchased with funds from the National Collecting Scheme for Scotland which was originated and operated 2003-2006 by the Contemporary Art Society and supported by the National Lottery through the Scottish Arts Council, 2004

Annie Cattrell
Recollection of a Time IV  (2004)

Recollection of a Time IV (2004)

Purchased with funds from the National Collecting Scheme for Scotland which was originated and operated 2003-2006 by the Contemporary Art Society and supported by the National Lottery through the Scottish Arts Council, 2004

Bruno Romanelli
Leaning Jug (2005)

Leaning Jug (2005)

Purchased with funds from the National Collecting Scheme for Scotland which was originated and operated 2003-2006 by the Contemporary Art Society and supported by the National Lottery through the Scottish Arts Council, 2006

Rebecca de Quin
Untitled (R1198) (2003)

Untitled (R1198) (2003)

Purchased with funds from the National Collecting Scheme for Scotland which was originated and operated 2003-2006 by the Contemporary Art Society and supported by the National Lottery through the Scottish Arts Council, 2004

Colin Reid

Marian Hosking

Marian Hosking (b. Melbourne, Australia 1948) studied at Monash University...

Seaweed Vessel (2004)

Seaweed Vessel (2004)

Purchased with funds from the National Collecting Scheme for Scotland which was originated and operated 2003-2006 by the Contemporary Art Society and supported by the National Lottery through the Scottish Arts Council, 2006

Marian Hosking

Jane Adam

Jane Adam (b. London, UK 1954) studied for a degree in Wood, Metal and Ceramics...


Oyster Necklace (2004)

Purchased with funds from the National Collecting Scheme for Scotland which was originated and operated 2003-2006 by the Contemporary Art Society and supported by the National Lottery through the Scottish Arts Council, 2004

Jane Adam
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