Two Figures (1966) Gifted through the Contemporary Art Society, as a bequest from Dr Ronald Lande, in memory of his life partner Walter Urech, 2011 Keith Vaughan
Two Interlinked Figures (1965) Gifted through the Contemporary Art Society, as a bequest from Dr Ronald Lande, in memory of his life partner Walter Urech, 2011 Keith Vaughan
Third Space Gallery / Galerie Tiers Espace, Sain... The only artist-run centre for contemporary art in Saint John, Galerie Tiers...
Holylands (2004) Purchased through the Contemporary Art Society’s Acquisitions Scheme for Wolverhampton Art Gallery, 2008-2009 Seamus Harahan
Journey to the Lower World (2004) Purchased through the Contemporary Art Society’s Acquisitions Scheme for Walker Art Gallery, National Museums Liverpool, 2008-2009 Marcus Coates
The Trilogy (made up of: The World of Jule Eisen... Purchased through the Contemporary Art Society, with assistance from V&A Purchase Fund and Rugby City Council, 2009 Lindsay Seers
doggerfisher, Edinburgh In 2000 Susanna Beaumont founded the contemporary art gallery, doggerfisher...