Essential Elements (2012) Purchased by the Contemporary Art Society for Bury Art Gallery and Museum, 2012 Pavel Büchler
Untitled (2011) Purchased with the support of the Art Fund by the Contemporary Art Society for Touchstones Rochdale, 2012/13 Claire Barclay
Untitled (2011) Purchased with the support of the Art Fund by the Contemporary Art Society for Touchstones Rochdale, 2012/13 Claire Barclay
Perching Two (2008) Purchased with the support of The Art Fund by the Contemporary Art Society for Touchstones Rochdale, 2011/13 Claire Barclay
Arcade Gallery, London Arcade was established by Christian Mooney in 2007. It offers a programme of...
Zibra (2011) Purchased by the Contemporary Art Society for University of Hertfordshire Galleries, 2011/12 Caroline Achaintre